B.Maria Kumar commented on Dr Nusrath Fathima's blog post Connecting Fearism spokespersons
"Thanks a lot Dr. Nusrath for a beautiful pen-picture of my academic bond with Subba. In the same way as Subba introduced you to me, I was introduced by him to R. Michael Fisher a few years ago and our three member intellectual collaboration led to a…"
Apr 1, 2024
B.Maria Kumar commented on Desh Subba's blog post FEARMORPHOSIS 2
"Yes Michael! I have used the phrase in the last paragraph of my article saying that the fear-morphed Sisyphus has to shape himself as fearlessness-tempered. I am going to mention more about it in my next article, maybe a few days later. Thank you…"
Dec 14, 2023
B.Maria Kumar commented on R.Michael Fisher's blog post The Fearology Institute: Making This Commitment Real
"Yes Michael! I agree. I appreciate your relentless efforts in the matter. "
Feb 22, 2023
B.Maria Kumar commented on R.Michael Fisher's blog post Vision for 2020s: A Summa Fearologica
"Wonderful term! Your Summa Theologica will stand out as an all inclusive encyclopaedia of fear and fearlessness, I have no doubt. Coming to Pedagogatheology, I feel it is also much required because religion needs to be rid of irrational fears. Your…"
Feb 22, 2023
B.Maria Kumar commented on Desh Subba's blog post PhD in Fearism (fear)
"Hearty congratulations to Dr. Adhikari! This thesis, I am sure, will serve as a wonderful confluence of the influences of both eastern and western classical thoughts on fear and punishment via fearist and fearlessness perspectives. Best wishes!"
Jan 15, 2022
B.Maria Kumar commented on R.Michael Fisher's blog post Bogun and Philosophy of Fear: Meets Fearologist
"Yes Michael! Bogun's piece reminds us of a quote, attributed to Churchill that we should never let a good crisis go to waste. Corollary to it is Einstein's optimistic assertion that every crisis holds opportunities. Crisis invariably involves…"
Dec 18, 2021
B.Maria Kumar commented on R.Michael Fisher's blog post Marianne Williamson Presidential Phenomenon: New Book
"Congratulations Michael! Nothing is more satisfying to a seeker than pursuing a pet subject that deals with the mysterious riddles of magnificent life. The quest for truth in the unexplored cosmos of fear-fearlessness continuum has always been so…"
Jan 14, 2021
B.Maria Kumar commented on R.Michael Fisher's blog post Domestic Fearism: The Problem That Won't Go Away
"The Capitol Hill attack reminds me of Indian Parliament attack of 2001 in New Delhi. The main difference between the two events is that the culprits in the former incident are reportedly supporters of a political party and in the case of the latter,…"
Jan 9, 2021
B.Maria Kumar commented on R.Michael Fisher's blog post A Replacement Therapia: From Hope to Fearlessness
"I think Michael that you have touched the core of one of the most mysterious dilemmas of humankind- hope. Truly it drives the minds in confusing yet believable manner. Most of its outcomes end in tragic despairs, only to be fortified by hope again.…"
Jan 4, 2021
B.Maria Kumar posted a blog post
Quote to ponder ...
Nov 18, 2020
B.Maria Kumar commented on Desh Subba's blog post Existence of Fear Precedes Essence -Desh Subba
"Yes .. your slogan is astounding in a positive way. 
I agree with your opinion that 'existence' is nothing but actualising freedom so as to create something good from the conditions that are already there, but not ex nihilo. Your assertion that…"
Jun 10, 2020
B.Maria Kumar commented on Desh Subba's blog post Existence of Fear Precedes Essence -Desh Subba
"It is quite an astounding idea to sloganeer as 'through the capability of freedom, man is forced to go to root ....'
Now the issue focuses on how to be capable of exercising freedom. Human life is as such ridden with instinctual compulsions like…"
Jun 9, 2020
B.Maria Kumar posted a status
I agree with Michael Fisher and Jha in their observation that the thinkers of olden days didn’t seem to utilise sufficiently fear element to navigate through the issues of life and living in the society even though they paid heed to fearlessness in…
Jun 6, 2020
B.Maria Kumar commented on Desh Subba's blog post Thomas Hobbes and his Fearolotical Philosophy -Desh Subba
"Yes, I agree that we can see two different approaches to world ie scientific and existential. If we replace world with life itself, we can as well apply both the approaches to life. Scientific approach is like leading life through mind ( logic,…"
Apr 15, 2020
B.Maria Kumar commented on Desh Subba's blog post Thomas Hobbes and his Fearolotical Philosophy -Desh Subba
"I think, Rafael, that Sartre's and Jaspers' existence is almost similar but they seem to differ in later part ie Sartre's essence and Jaspers' existenz. Rather here, I see Jaspers's model is reminding me of Freudian triad of id (instinctual), ego…"
Apr 15, 2020
B.Maria Kumar commented on Desh Subba's blog post Thomas Hobbes and his Fearolotical Philosophy -Desh Subba
"Correct... you have nailed it. I am referring to physical/materialistic aspect of existence. I haven't read Jaspers. I will. Thank you Rafael."
Apr 15, 2020