I like making graphs to monitor (track) the Fearlessness Movement--- this is one of many indicators that could be used... what is published in non-fiction books/cds in the past 30 years (that's the range that shows up on Amazon.com)... (re: arrows) In Search of Fearlessness Project was birthed in 1989 by myself, and in 2001 was 9/11, and in 2010 when the most were published is when I published my own book (interestingly)... there seems a general increase in no.'s of publications (note: I am not mapping here the use of "fearless" in titles)... more could be said about this diagram, but it is evident that society (at least in the W.) is more and more writing about this topic "fearlessness" in a serious way... it also tells me how many works exist that I could be reading (if I had the money to buy them all)... I've read only maybe 30% of these works... which is not adequate to keep up with what is being taught and all of it needs to be summarized and critiqued... a big job... ongoing...
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