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  • I wonder: How can fearology help understand trauma-resposes like fight, flight, freeze, fawn?

    There are all these different concepts: courage, anxiety, vulnerability, uncertainty, trauma, multi-generational trauma, PTSD, grit, sisu, resilience, avoidance, phobias, ... How do they connect, how would one differentiate, these are all studied in different ways, by different disciplines, where do they intersect, connect, complement each other. Is there an overarching story?

  • Thank you both!

    I have done a small piece of research for my honours degree, it involved measuring organ donation beliefs and how strongly people believed in an afterlife - and how this would affect their willingness to register for organ donation. It was furthermore meant to be a social representation theory based project (unfortunately, I did not do the theory justice; still learning). However, fear is often an employed element in the media in various forms and for endless topics and reasons.

    I am fascinated by the social representations of fear in media and discourse involving fear language, how it co-constructs our knowledge and beliefs about social issues; and how sticky fear-based emotional content is in society.

    Fearlessness on the other side is a construct I'd like to explore for my personal quest at this point. It is a state of mind or a philosophy I can tap into at times, but not consistently. Becoming more fearless is something I try to live again (to rediscover). Maybe I find some inspiration in your group smile

  • Hello! Its nice to see and meet you here.Welcome to the website!

  • Good day Christine. Welcome to the Fearlessness Movement ning, a community of inquirers into the nature and role of fear(lessness). I look forward to learning more about your interests and why you came to this site. 

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