This is a very interesting take on the recent southern Illinois election by Green Party Congressional Candidate, Randy Auxier. For context, many in the democrat party, and other non-republicans saw his candidacy as threat to removing the rebublican incumbent, Mike Bost. Thus they pressured and guilted people towards voting for the democrat. However, Bost won anyway, and even if all of Randy's votes went to the democrat, he still would have lost by over 10K votes. Short lesson: Fear was unfounded.
From Randy Auxier: Post-mid-term election 2018:
"Thanks to everyone who worked on this campaign, especially Sabrina Hardenbergh, Josh Hellmann, and Rich Whitney. And thanks to everyone in the Green chapters and evreryone who donated. The faith of the mustard seed. May it grow into a delicious bush and we'll have greens with mustard for our rewards in time. Our result was not what we hoped and not even what we needed, but we did our best and we did well, and we did what we thought was right. We stayed true to ourselves and our values and fought the good fight. I will hold my head high and I hope all of you who voted Green and served the ideal ends will do the same.
What I have learned, to take forward and for what it is worth: (1) fear is a powerful thing; (2) the medium is not the message, but the noise is; (3) the same 100 activists who exhaust themselves in service of every cause in my area are the least unified in politics, strategically and tactically, while the laziest Republicans and Democrats have no difficulty getting on the same page; (4) people don't vote their values (hearts) or their heads, or even their pocketbooks, they vote their solar plexus, the home of the fear chakra.
Since we Greens will never use fear as a motivational tactic or strategy, and since we cannot rescue even our closest friends from acting on their fears, and since hope seems ineffective in countering fear, we have to work to make the world less frightening, so as to create a space for people to find their hope again. That is easier said than done. It begins by not being afraid, personally and individually, and setting the example of calm, reasonable discourse, and dedicated action.
For myself, I will form a coalition to bring a commuter train system to this region. Anyone who wants to join that effort, contact me."
Thanks for this -
Dr. Randy Auxier responds to this blog:
Randall Auxier
Professor of Philosophy and Communication Studies
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL 62901
I really wanted Bost to be voted out. I was excited when I saw Randy on the ballet as his replacement and voted for him. I voted early and only after did I read posts from other colleagues saying the only way to vote was blue all the way. Telling folks to not vote with their heart and values but only against what they feared....
I really appreciate Randy's (Green political) view here... and that he has been supportive of my work for a few years as well. He really drills down to the core of what he learned about our times-- "they vote with their solar plexus, the home of the fear chakra"-- and, sure, truths are to be told in all that Randy... and, I think we have to go beyond "not being afraid" as that's a discourse from long-gone days... we need a new fear education based on a fearlessness paradigm--and, one with a whole lot more creativity to boot!. Best Randy and your followers on your next projects...