sarah e nicholson (1)

Sex and Gender Wars: From Many Perspectives

I promised (see latest Photo), that I'd do some writing around sex and gender (wars)... and especially around Dr. Sarah E. Nicholson and Vanessa D. Fisher, two bright stars in the approach of many perspectives on sex and gender, and evolution of men, women, feminists, etc. First, I'll guide you to my latest two pieces (see below). Later, I'll probably write more. Also, I've given a link to Vanessa's latest powerful video on the necessity of the messiness and need for vulnerability in the cultural woundedness of sex and gender. Lastly, I link to a good (positive) review of Sarah & Vanessa's book (2014) of which the reviewer also writes about my chapter in that book, and I respond (all from Integral Leadership Review journal).

Vanessa wrote to me: 

I put together a spontaneous video last night about my struggles and vulnerability being in the gender conversation. I ended up getting emotional half way through, but just let the camera keep rolling...

So, as for my two review pieces here you go: 

(1) "Women, Gender, Sexuality: Two Rising Stars and a Follower" (by R. M. Fisher, Feb. 8/16), go to and click on Blogs (right-hand side) -- to read it you may be asked to sign-in as "Guest" which is just a button to press... hastle free... this gives the background really for my book review piece on Nicholson's book "The Evolutionary Journey of Woman"

(2) book review: Search "The Evolutionary Journey of Woman: From the Goddess to Integral Feminsim" and click on Book Reviews, and I am no. 7 ... it is enitled "In Defense of Woman's Journey: A Wicked Problem"  

And the review of Sarah & Vanessa's (2014) book:



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