ariel kizel (1)


A NEW BOOK, with a rare editor (Prof. Arie Kizel) in academia, gives full-on challenge to the "pedagogy of fear" and its role in dominating so much of teacher education and thus State-run education systems. Even rarer, it is virtually impossible to find an academic educator today who will cite my fearwork (e.g., with three separate citations) in their References at the end of their essay or book. I've attached a small excerpt from Kizel's "Editor Introduction" (2023) from this new book and the citations of my writing on fear and education. How could I not highly recommend this book for adults, parents, teachers and leaders everywhere. 

Excerpt Example from Kizel (2023): 


p. xxii [cont'd]....


... to p. xxxi 




FYI - Dr. Kizel (Assoc. Prof. at the Department of Learning and Instructional Sciences at the Faculty of Education, University of Haifa in Israel), and I have been working on our own co-authored books which critically examines the notion of "pedagogy of fear" as used by diverse educators, researchers, theorists and other sources, as we are curious as to the various different meanings and perspectives brought to this concept and reality. To our surprise there are uses of this term that are quite precisely the same and homogenous, often similar and other times quite the opposite and contradictory. There is obviously research questions that we will examine in our book as well as lay out in more depth our approaches to the philosophy of education and fear, to teacher education, to pedagogy of fear and curriculum theorizing in general. We both have a strong interest in counter-education and alternatives and to this day we both believe even these off-the-mainstream more radical educational initiatives have not systematically enough come to important investigations of the nature and role of fear (and fearlessness). We hope to get this book published in the next 2 years, if all goes well.    

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