This image I screen shot from a video presentation by Yuval N. Harari (famous historian today), as these children listen to his talk on the "superpower" and "unstoppable" nature of Homo sapiens, as told by Harari (who just finished a children's book attempting to explain this dilemma of the strengths and downfalls of our species today).
This image captures a quality, as do several other images of children (some early teens) there, and the questions they are asking Harari. I don't know exactly all of what totally captivates me, haunts me, excites me, and stirs feelings and thoughts about children-and-the-future and what role do we adults have in really meeting these 'people' (the new arrivals) and truly to assist, if we can, their working through this kind of world they live in that is a world where so much powerful information and knowledge is just at their finger-tips(?) The educator in me I suppose is deeply moved by these images and the exchange of intelligence 'forces' traversing across generations. I often do not have first hand experience to see this inter-flow-ing of 'spirit' (is what I have found that I ought to call it--or soul, I'm aware I need this kind of language to describe accurately, or at least describe metaphorically, what is going on with these beings in the presence of each other). What unique time we are in. I appreciate the 'new historians' like Harari that go way beyond what traditional history is about. The questions he asks in this talk are very obvious and lead him to re-make history into what he believes is essential for the survival of this species he is a part of.