Another Insane Example: Media Fearmongering

LIke a previous photo I posted here, this is how media titles their stories; in which they create fear/terror continually about weather (i.e., about Nature)--as if that is our worst enemy. Fear of Nature is a deadly trap (and ideology) of a worldview gone insane. So, don't adopt it. 

Here's a quote for making this case of mis-guided "war" and "fear" --against that which is not deserving of such: 

"Illegitimate fears are a fog that obscures reality. They make man see the most ordinary and benign objects as monstrous and prevent his seeing where destructive danger lies. Under their influence his whole life can become a panic effort to defend himself against threat without his ever being able, for all his anxious preoccupation, to develop that courage which Plato long ago defined as wisdom concerning danger.

 “Love casts out fear,” Aldous Huxley reminds us, in Ape and Essence: “but conversely fear casts out love....Fear also casts out intelligence, casts our goodness, casts out all thought of beauty and truth...”. If we assume—as we must, to make this words valid—that he is speaking of the kind of fear that obscures reality and keeps the individual self-centered, we can add yet another item to this catalogue: fear casts out the discriminating power to know what should be feared and how it should be [210] feared."  (Bonaro Overstreet, 1951/71, Understanding Fear in Ourselves and Others). 


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