Christina posted a status
Jul 11
Thinking about how the concept of Sisu is related with fearlessness ... Also where anger ties into the picture ...

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  • Oh, how come the link didn't work ...

    Sisu is a Finnish word for determination and inner fortitude in the face of extreme adversity.

    The title of the article is: Sisu: The Finnish art of inner strength. And Emilia Lahti is a researcher and writer who made Sisu her career. More on her on

    I haven't read any of her books or listened to the podcasts. But I feel that the concept is related to fearlessness in the sense that if threatened or under great pressure or ongoing life struggles, there comes a point where one breaks or moves through and past. And the way I understand Sisu, it is at this breaking point that a strength kicks in and pushes one past the terror - hopefully to a better place.

    I've been pondering the fear concepts now for a few weeks - not properly researching, just done a lot of thinking/feeing/relating. Fear can be lingering or acute. It can be about loss, failure, existential threat, a specific phobia, an adrenal imbalance, socially instilled, and many more instances. The context matters. I assume that is where the different terminologies come from as well.
  • I went to the link and saw no article on Sisu?

    It's a good article to get a bit of an idea ...
  • First, share more on "Sisu"? I'm not familiar

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