Rafael Campos García-Calderón commented on Desh Subba's blog post Existence of Fear Precedes Essence -Desh Subba
"Very intersting, Desh!
I think your poit of view comes back to another anthropological and ontological level. Existentialism did not get to the real root of existence, because talking about fear means talking about an animal impulse that not only…"
Jun 8, 2020
Rafael Campos García-Calderón commented on Desh Subba's blog post Thomas Hobbes and his Fearolotical Philosophy -Desh Subba
Apr 15, 2020
Rafael Campos García-Calderón commented on Desh Subba's blog post Thomas Hobbes and his Fearolotical Philosophy -Desh Subba
"So, we could say, professor, with Sartre, that the existence becomes existent in capitalism era, specially in the XIX-XX centuries. So, the man lost one level of its life. Nowadays, south african thinker Achille Mbembe say that human being is only a…"
Apr 15, 2020
Rafael Campos García-Calderón commented on Desh Subba's blog post Thomas Hobbes and his Fearolotical Philosophy -Desh Subba
"But when Kierkegaard talked about existence, he is thinking the way to connect with our inner being. Thats the problem. In fact, when Karl Jaspers talks about existence, he makes a difference between the existent and the existence. The existent is…"
Apr 14, 2020
Rafael Campos García-Calderón commented on Desh Subba's blog post Thomas Hobbes and his Fearolotical Philosophy -Desh Subba
"It´s very interesting your thesis, but for me there is difficult to see the existence problem in Marx. That´s a sartrean point, because in fact Marx doesn´t talk about existence. Both Marx and his gran master Hegel believed in historical rational…"
Apr 14, 2020
Rafael Campos García-Calderón commented on Desh Subba's blog post Thomas Hobbes and his Fearolotical Philosophy -Desh Subba
"I think Sartre changed the same marxism because introduced a kind of no-determinism against the marxian economic view. This position linked with maoism. For this reason, it was an enemie for the orthodox communism. It´s very interesting to see how…"
Apr 13, 2020
Rafael Campos García-Calderón commented on Desh Subba's blog post Thomas Hobbes and his Fearolotical Philosophy -Desh Subba
"Ah! Now I understand you point, proffessor. It is very ambicious your research. I read some parts of Critical of Dialectical Reason by Sartre. From this point of view existentialism is an element inside a major point of view, that is to say, the…"
Apr 12, 2020
Rafael Campos García-Calderón commented on Desh Subba's blog post Thomas Hobbes and his Fearolotical Philosophy -Desh Subba
"I think we have differents ideas about "essence" and "existence", professor. Both comunists and capitalism are determinists. So, they really don't know the idea of existence from an existencial pount of view. To existetial philosophy, the existence…"
Apr 11, 2020
Rafael Campos García-Calderón commented on Desh Subba's blog post Thomas Hobbes and his Fearolotical Philosophy -Desh Subba
Apr 11, 2020
Rafael Campos García-Calderón commented on Desh Subba's blog post Thomas Hobbes and his Fearolotical Philosophy -Desh Subba
"Essence is not an economic affaire, but ontological. A beggar realizes also his essence in his conditions, because we talk about the human condition, the real heart of humanity."
Apr 11, 2020
Rafael Campos García-Calderón commented on Desh Subba's blog post Thomas Hobbes and his Fearolotical Philosophy -Desh Subba
""We are talking of a metaphysical dimension: when existence preceeds essence, what has value in my existence and what I focus my attention on becomes what I will try to actualise, so it will become the essence/incarnation of my life." The…"
Apr 9, 2020
Rafael Campos García-Calderón commented on Desh Subba's blog post Thomas Hobbes and his Fearolotical Philosophy -Desh Subba
"Yes. I remember when Jaspers talks about Das Umgreifende and the ciphers, like you say. Very interesting point!
Apr 9, 2020
Rafael Campos García-Calderón commented on Desh Subba's blog post Thomas Hobbes and his Fearolotical Philosophy -Desh Subba
"Yes. I agree with you."
Apr 9, 2020
Rafael Campos García-Calderón commented on Desh Subba's blog post Thomas Hobbes and his Fearolotical Philosophy -Desh Subba
Apr 9, 2020
Rafael Campos García-Calderón commented on Desh Subba's blog post Thomas Hobbes and his Fearolotical Philosophy -Desh Subba
"Oh my friend. In Peru we have a big poet who once a time writed: "bien sabe la rosa en que mano se posa" or "the rose knows in which hand stay"..."
Apr 9, 2020
Rafael Campos García-Calderón commented on Desh Subba's blog post Thomas Hobbes and his Fearolotical Philosophy -Desh Subba
"Now I can understand what you say more clearly. I completely agree with you. Thanks."
Apr 9, 2020