Hi All,

I don't really know much how to use this ning yet. I'll try things out and learn; if any of you want to help me on this, I'll gladly accept (smile). So, to start, I thought of a few general orienting questions to get us dialoguing and/or even thinking a little about FEARLESSNESS MOVEMENT and why you may be attracted to become a member.

For More Information on Fearlessness Movement, go to: http://fearlessnessmovement.ning.com/blog/fearlessness-movement-my-wikipedia-page

1. How did you first become interested in the Fearlessness Movement (and/or fearlessness)?

2. What do you sense is required for the Fearlessness Movement to grow and thrive in the next decade? How could you possibly contribute?

3. What do you think will be the biggest challenges, including barriers, of both developing the Fearlessness Movement and your role in it?

4. What would you tell a newcomer to this ning in getting started here?


The following couple questions relate to the one particular branch of the Fearlessness Movement which began in Calgary, AB (late 1989) which I co-founded as In Search of Fearlessness Project:

5. If you have heard of In Search of Fearlessness Project (ISOF Calgary), what was your experience of it directly, and/or second-hand knowledge?

6. What ought to be done with the ISOF (Calgary) legacy, community, project in the future?

7. As co-founder, I am thinking there could be a lot gained by a truth and reconciliation process around ISOF (Calgary) and how it collapsed in 1999?

8. Would you be interested in any kind of one-on-one and/or group discussion to assist this re-visioning ISOF (Calgary) in the next years ahead?

[note: feel free to contact me directly if you prefer to communicate that way: r.michaelfisher52[at]gmal.com]

You need to be a member of Fearlessness Movement to add comments!

Join Fearlessness Movement


  • Looking at the question - I'm a little far away ... in Switzerland. Still God/ess bless. HP

  • Well ... I just joined your Ning - being myself a Ning type ... see www.urban-spirit.ning.com 

    For the rest ... I'm new in the Fearlessness Project. Integral greetings from CH Switzerland.

    • HP, so good to hear from you and your ninging-self spreading over the globe... I do recall seeing your urban-spirit project websites some years ago when we were connecting after your trip to Carbondale, IL (Gaia House Interfaith Center)... I appreciated your artistic and sacred sensibilities and a youthful opening to a new urbanism movement (not bad for an old 'boomer')... I think young people will be so important in the changes we need to make around the role of fear in the cities--where most everyone is ending up living (like it or not)-- the FM has a major role to play... may we explore more... (note: the link you gave, for some reason won't go through on my Safari web-browser...) -until later, -M.

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