Simple question

i, would simply like to know the pratical applications of the Fearlessness Movement. Yes, i, am reading and researching, but i, must admit the practicality has eluded me. A little help please.

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  • KLP (and others), I think a really good intro. to how I approach fear/terror, fearlessness, "practically" and philosophically can be found in FearTalk 17A and B ... two dialogues I have with Dr. Soenke recently. For the first one go to:

    • Thank you RMF, i, did listen to the first video, i, will give the 17B a shot as well. i, would like to share with you a concept that i, created. i, never imagined there were people coining terms around fear besides myself. So, whenever you like, just share your email with me and i will share what i conceived around fear.

  • Greetings RMF, 


    Thank you for the clarification, it saved me a good deal of energy and time.

     A little about me: in 1994, i, was confined in a prison in Georgia for a conviction of armed robbery. i, did commit this offense and plead guilty to a 2 to 3 year sentence. Each prisoner was given an inmate handbook; within that handbook it stated that the overall objective was to: keep the men in fear. i, was 25 years of age and had no intentions of accepting that objective whatsoever. i, had already known innately that fear is a choice at some point in the process. Therefore, i, was not a willing or welcome host for it. 

     As a result, a war of attrition between the prison personnel and myself emerged. Everyone did Chain Gang, (e.g., forced servitude or hard labor). i, did not. They employed threats, intimidation and violence, i, refused. Subsequently, i, spent nearly 2+ years in sensory deprivation disciplinary units. While there, i, watched men daily, one after the other, lose their sanity, succumb to the terror-tactics of the staff, or worse.

     This piqued my curiosity, and i, begin to explore why if we were similarly situated, would so many men break or just give up the will to fight, or to live. In sum, i, determined that 1. i, had a degree of knowledge of self, which i valued, which in turn allowed me to value myself; 2.  i, subscribed to the idea that i, was never alone because i, knew i, was  in the all, and the all is in me, therefore no separation could be possible, thus i, was never afraid. i, used those years of solitary confinement to heal, meditate and practice what i, already had learned and was learning. i, had always been a voracious reader and consumed many books dealing with all aspects of life spanning many disciplines and subject matter, with history, and spiritual doctrines being my love since i, was an adolescent.  

     It was during this period of time that i, read a book by Chris Chriscom titled Ecstasy is a New Frequency, which to me, made clear the concept of a whole being with parts, into some kind of tangible system for me, this greatly aided my visual learning style. Coupled with astrology, graphology and the exercises within Barbara Marciniak’s book: Bringers of the Dawn, allowed me to get to work, in a practical way on myself. It was the most thrilling endeavor i, have ever engaged in. It was like performing an observation, diagnosis and treatment regiment on myself. The corrections were lasting and the gains achieved were absolute in their empowerment and effect on me. i, was in a state of fearlessness from knowing that all i, experienced was a culmination of choices i, had made, thus everything i, experienced was in turn, at least 50% of my response ability and i, could command my portion of the flow. To my knowledge i, was the only man who did not do chain gang. i, will stop here, to be continued...

    • A stunning story, indeed, and I too once read Chrisom and her notion of the "fearless self" --which you seemed to have tapped into. Yes, wouldn't the world be a whole lot beter if "at least 50%" of what happens to us is taken in the non-victim context of "response-ability." I'll be curious where your story goes... and what you are looking for... 

  • "Practical applications" is surely valuable as KLP pursues primarily here in this request. That said, I would not myself wish on any movement, of any stripes, that it only be pursued--as in, pursued over and above philosophical, theoretical, speculative, intuitive, imaginative, and creative modes of knowledge and knowing. Theory + practice is another way of saying this--'balance' of the two, as best one can, individually and collectively, ought to be the wiser way than to pursue only one or the other. The actualization of theory + practice = praxis = each informing the other in an ongoing relationship of testing, truthing, informing and learning--from each other. A movement meant to liberate humankind (e.g., Fearlessness Movement or FM) is essentially a "movement" (a very practical term I chose long ago for this FM. I only made up the words for it, but my 33 yrs research shows it is an actual movement, on many levels, where: for example, fear automatically (instinctually) moves to fearlessness. That is the movement, some today would call it self-regulation, analogously to distress automatically (instinctually) moving to eustress (i.e., a state more in equilibrium required at least most of the time for a healthy existence, if possible). That said, then the larger philosophical issues, and practical issues--arises: How to define and know "fear" and "fearlessness"? 

    That all aside, I think the "practical" is sitting nicely in the mission statement for this FM ning community (which each of us had to read to sign-in): 

    [to] "Better, and more critically, understanding the role of fear and fearlessness in our lives and world is critical to healthy sustainable life." 

    The key words: to better ourselves, to be critical more, to be healthier, to act more sustainably on this beautiful earth--all implied therein. And, next key word "understanding" --so, to KLP and all those asking the same kind of question as they posed above, there is a beginning comment now...and it seems to boil into a soup of a lot of things to pursue, and it seems there is no recipe, no one self-help guide, indeed--at least, not from my end, rather I focus and invite others to "understand" --and, that is an educational project from start to finish. Fearlessness Movement, is many things, and for purposes here it is EDUCATIONAL ... what people on the FM ning want to do with that understanding and how they want to organize and promote, participate and change the world, as intellectuals, as activists, as professionals--whatever their choices--that is up to each and everyone. I have made this platform available for any such collecting of ideas and actions. I look forward to what can be. 

    That said, in the nearly 7 years since I founded this FM ning (now 126 members) with my partner Barbara (and I as host), indeed, for the most part, "action" (practicality) has not been the emphasis; but that can change depending on how people communicate, invite, exchange. This FM ning is a place of exchange--and, maybe you'll meet someone and exchange and go beyond the limits of this FMning platform; that's great. It would be nice if you let the rest of us know too. That's how community works. FM ning is an educational community, but that's only the beginning.  


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