I am proud to share this video (13 min.) by my daughter as she has "hit" on a great critical path of inquiry into how mythos, narratives, discourses, rhetorics, shape our experiences and interpretation of experiences (albeit, indeed, our experiences shape, dialectically, mythos, narratives, discourses). Although her focus is on gender and sexuality issues often, I am in many ways on a similar agenda to critically diagnose the mythos, narratives, discourses, rhetorics throughout history and now still flowing through us... and, how they shape (meaningfully) how we come to understand ('tell stories' about) the nature and role of Fear and Fearlessness. Point of this type of critical inquiry is to "know" that which shapes your perceptions and meaning-making, and actions... (it is often unconscious) and, make it conscious, so you can change it, if you want.
I highly recommend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv_8J6t2pI8