My Conversation with Desh Subba

I will not try to elaborately explain his ideas about fear because his ideas about fear are clearly explained in his much celebrated book Philosophy of Fearism. After about an hour's exchange of views I have an impression that he regards fear as 'causative agent' to actions of all kinds. He uses the word 'fear' as a force guiding us to all our actions. Though I agree with his idea, I do not necessarily share his idea simply because he uses fear in place of 'lack of something'. For instance, he believes that a rich man fears being poor thus doesn't want to be poor. In this example you can replace fear with 'lack of richness' and it would mean the same. That is, a person who doesn't want to be poor knows how it is to not be rich. The absence of something or knowledge about something he says is fear.I pointed out to him that I believe that fear originates from knowledge from the past and projects itself as a plan of action to be pursued in the future. So in order for the person to fear he has to think in the future, he necessarily has to 'expect' something to happen, whose outcome being uncertain leads to fear, where fear is the uncertainty of the future itself. Desh Subba to this replies that he doesn't think in all cases 'expectation' leads to or is itself fear. He simply believes fear 'causes' a person to pursue a certain task or action. As I said before I would let Desh Subba's book do the talking when it comes to explaining in detail his views. I am interested in the process of fear thus I write only a few points pertaining to my interest. I also continue with the idea that fear is fleeing mechanism with regard to the stimulus phenomenologically speaking. I hope Desh can clarify any misunderstanding if there are any...Thank you -Pooja Soni

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  • Dear Pooja !

    It was a good time in Surat, India. We met many department heads of Philosophy. I presented two papers at the Asian Philosopher Conference; papers were "Towards Philosophy of Fearism" and, in the Indian Philosophers Congress, "Dephilosophy Universal Discourse." Some of the professors who came from Malaysia and Mauritius were fascinated in Fearism. I tried my best to assure them. Some department heads and students from Varanasi, UP, Vihar, I found interested. You know there were professors from USSR, USA, Poland, Ukraine, Israel, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Srilanka, Malaysia, Mauritius, Nepal and almost 25 states of India. Most of papers were in religion based philosophy.  Abstracts of papers were published in books. It was good. You came to meet me from far away Bangalore. It was my pleasure. We have personally discussed expectation and fear. Your presentation was impressive. I hope you enjoyed a lot in this new place. Our conversation would be useful in your forthcoming book. It will be a new psychology which will be engaged with fear/fearism/fearlessness/fearology. I wish you all the best. 

    Desh Subba

  • See also Pooja's process view under discussion Panexperientialist View of Fear on FM ning Forum

    A Panexperientialist View of Fear
    [Pooja offered this in Comments recently on the FM ning (Dec. 15/17), I have taken the liberty to post their comments in this Forum, so that others m…
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