Crossing the bridge to a better world begins with crossing a bridge inside myself, from the addictive mental patterns of fear and separation, to enlightened perceptions of unity and love. I have been trained by the world to think fearfully, and today I choose to think with love. - Marianne Williamson, A Year of Miracles
Over the decades I have become a kind of archivist for the Museum of Fearology, you could say. I collect quotes on fear and fearlessness and a number of people know that and send me stuff when they find it. A colleague (1) out on the W. coast sent this to me today, he's been looking at the FMning and then got this inspirational quote from Williamson in an automatic e-mailer he has signed up to with a spiritual organization. She is one of the current leaders of the teachings of A Course in Miracles (ACIM) and other things very interesting on top of her ministry she has recently ran for a govenor post(?) in politics in California (with no success per se). I have admired her writing and punchy 'out there' leadership, especially encouraging women leaders. I also want to support her initiatives generally (via ACIM) as part of the Fearlessness Movement & Tradition (see my Wikipedia entry on Fearlessness Movement). It arose in the 1970s and is going 'strong' as far as I know, but I don't know that much in details up to date.
So, I also thought this was a timely quote to put up, as it is one of the things we all can do on our blogs. And then, as well as sharing interesting quotes on fear and fearlessness, etc., we also then can ask about their usefulness in terms of the FM. We can study these quotes and movements they come from (if they do)...and, add this to our education process on the FM. I see us all, potentially, as "architects" in the FM, a kind of meta-movement on fearlessness movements for the 21st century, as we attempt for the first time in world history to bring together the information on these movements and what these movements "teach" and have accomplished, or not. It is this synthesis that I see as essential to the future evolution of the FM (and any sub-movements that may spin off of this work). As well, we can also be out there scanning and seeing if there are other FMs that have not been documented as such. We can discuss these findings and ideas, as part of our building the knowledge-based (and archives) for future manifestations.
One question on my mind is: "What would the best fearlessness movement look like for the conditions of the 21st century?"
End Note
1. Ian Wight, Senior scholar (retired) in City Planning, Faculty of Architecture, U of Manitoba; he wrote to me: "sounds like [FM is] a great gift to yourself and the wider field of fearlessness aficionados" (pers. comm., Apr. 20/15).