vocational ancestors (1)

I recently partook, at the invitation of my wife, a short visualization led by the shamanic educator and psychotherapist Daniel Foor, where he asked us to invite in our "old ones" that is, from the ancient past. We could open to working together with them, by which he meant inviting in the well-dead and healed ancestors who have passed, and perhaps have done so a long long time ago. I was generally open to this experiment, but had no direct impression of any visitation and connected image to them. I trusted they existed somewhere, even though, I know only mostly of very wounded ancestors (at least those alive when I was alive). But this experiment, led to 2 powerful dreams last night of visitations (of old ones, 'ancestors') of humans in my dream-sleep. Their images were verry clear. I'll only talk of one and show my attempt to portray a 'mock image' of who came to me in the one dream as clear as can be (Figure 1). It was all very real in the dream. 

Figure 1  The 2nd Dream: Ancestor [1] Visitation 

[image created by searching on the Internet for a figure portrait that looks a lot like what I saw in my dream; I then collaged my own recent photo on his shirt by which I am artistically showing a relationship with this entity, and I remain open to what actually being might be there as an old one ancestor, even if they showed up in the dream as a young bodied Indian man from the East] 


In the dream, I was with some people I didn't know that well, but nothing too dramatic was going on, and all rather vague, but at one point I was in their yard, knowing that I had to leave some things behind, and I had this old briefcase and I threw down under the porch but still in site. I thought I don't want to take it with me where I was going, although I didn't reeally know where I was going. I was aware someone could take it but I really didn't know what was in it and I wasn't all that concerned. Then as I walked about in the yard, I suddenly had this 'weighted' kind of feeling like I was losing something of my way, or of my self, or something and it was not scary but just somewhat disorienting. Then there was a moment (as if I was looking right into a mirror) and there I was staring at this 'Indian young man' image. It was alive and well and calm and beautiful, and I had no judgement, yet, it was totally obvious that I was looking into a mirror of myself--or at least that was the impression I recall from the dream. And, in the dream I was a bit startled know 'this is not myself' as I know myself and how I look and what image I carry in memory of myself. No, this was another of 'myself' supposedly; and, upon reflection in the morning, it was potentially an ally from my 'old ones' lineage that was appearing through this figuration and that it would be all part of something I could come close to, or it seemed like maybe it 'walked into me' or whatever happened in that space. I don't know anything for sure, but the image was so vivid and surprised me. I had changed and transformed. It did occur, that maybe I was seeing a reincarnation image of a human I once was? Many possibilities. For now, I'll just call them a presence and walk-in of an 'old one' but lucky for me it was this beautiful man. I did not know him in the dream, nor do I know the person in this photo I found on the Internet search this morning. The only triggers for the dream I am aware of is my putting Yogananda photo in a collage art piece a few days ago and listening to a talk the day before the dream of a Swami philosopher type from India giving a lecture on the Advaita Vedanta worldview and it was fascinating to me. Other than that, I was obviously doing the visualization exercise of calling in the ancestors led by Foor earlier in that evening. Then the dreams came--two, that seem to be about visitations from 'old ones' (ancestors) of my lineage, but I don't know who's side or what of my four grandparents. I know of know historical knowledge of a connection to India. That said, I have always found India and its philosophy and spirituality a great interest since the 1970s. 

End Note

1. Foor talked about when you invite the well and healed 'old ones' from your four lineages, you may get what he called "vocational ancestors" (spirits) that come to you in a contact zone, for which you may build relationships with them. Them helping you, and you helping them to help the unwell and unhealed ancestors and especially those closer to your blood line. The vocational ancestors as I gathered are those who are 'of' or 'know' of your vocation and can assist you with your vocation in this living world. 

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