non-dominant cultural discourses (1)

The Indigenous educator, Four Arrows (aka Dr. Don Trent Jacobs), whom I have been writing a book on, has recently published his own book (his 20th), called "Point of Departure: Returning to a More Authentic Worldview for Education and Survival" (I've attached a color photo of the cover in Photos on this blog, published by IAP, Inc.). Also on Photos you'll see a page of text from the book, Chapt. 2, Courage and Fearlessness (which is always an interesting read).

I won't say more at this point other than to say this is his most controversial book likely... but we'll see. I believe Four Arrows takes a much more radical stand to a Two-eyed Seeing" approach which attempts to bring together Western and Indigenous worldviews (as "two-eyes"). Always willing to risk it all, Four Arrows has never been one to follow the trends...

Below is one of the book reviewers comments:

"How will we get beyond our 'Western' narcissism to explore, listen, and trust non-dominant cultural discourses which open us to sustainability and yes, survival? This book creates a pathway, reasonably and humanely  brings us to a critical consciousness of emancipation and activism. The time is now... to embrace praxis-based ways of knowing and humbly look to Elders of knowledge for nourishment and survival. Four Arrows starts us on the journey."

-Shirley R. Steinberg

Research Professor of Youth Studies

University of Calgary and founder,

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