libertarian (1)


I have long been watching the rise and fall and antics and dramatizations of the Jordan B. Peterson (social) phenomenon. One cannot really ignore it, if you want to know what is going on in the sociopsychological and political atmosphere of today's world (at least in the postmodern Western world). 

I made this poster today, after listening to Peterson's failure to make his legal case against the Ontario College Board of Psychologists yesterday. His case is for "free speech" when he is in public as a public figure, and at the same time he wants to keep his psychologist license and not be censored (unfairly). He is big on being treated unfairly by anyone, especially now his own profession and the State --thus, Peterson is a controversial political figure and has been deeply interested in activism and politics and a rather conservative-libertarian perspective. That's all a much bigger topic. You can hear my 3 videos on my Youtube channel if you want to know more of my views of this fascinating and troubling character in the world. Right now, he is actually one of the top most known ('stars') internationally as a Canadian. Even more known than the prime minister?--or they are a close tie. Peterson can't stand our Canadian prime minister and says so in public media constantly. 

My critique or fearanalysis is of Peterson's take on 'freedom'... which is fear-based, and thus distortive. (a longer argument there to be had)...

Gabor Mate is also very well-known and outspoken, and has his quick critique in 2 min. summary, rather good, I think: go to:,vid:qOJ0lUSBI14


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