hyper-masculine (1)

Based on the prior discussion with Durwin, and his daughter's attraction to "fearless" motivational discourses, images, ideas (1)... there's such a deep channel of contemporary popular culture that is currently working really hard to overcome fear, and use fear as a motivation to excel (express absolute uniqueness of self), for males and females... but, if you want to get a feel for this discourse (a very problematic one), you can check out this video on Youtubehttps://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=fear+motivational+video&ei=UTF-8&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-003, which is one of many hundreds no doubt, as I have been studying these hyper-individualized (often hyper-masculinized) motivational discourses (fear management/education) in W. societies for several decades-- implicit in the imagery and ideology promoted as "motivation" has to be questioned as it promotes "fearless" in such a loose (partial) way... with virtually no sensibility to cultural, historical and social contexts or (i.e., relational) dimensions-- this is in my view the pathology of the reductionistic view of "self" and "success" (2)-- and where this W. society is heading, and has been long on such a trajectory that leads to the adrenalin-over-dose addiction pattern (i.e., the 'fear' pattern itself) of bravado that thinks it is conquering fear... (by will power)...  

End Notes

1. The other underpinning is an "anti-victimization" narrative and ideology below this-- all part of a very conservative politics that I find is quite oppressive to those who don't all start on the same platform to achieve "success"-- and you'll, also hear the loud volume of the booming "authoritarian" voice in this telling you what you should do-- it is quite the irony to the freedom to "be oneself" promoted. Contradictions abide, and thus, we need a critical study of these--adolescents are particularly susceptible to this stuff (but not all). 

2. Upper quadrants of Wilber's integral map-- often seen as quadrantism (a pathological epistemological orientation); I often call this the psycho-spiritual dimension which "thinks" it can overcome everything and "win" (i.e., dominate, or at least, try to win over all other quadrants)--you can see this hyper-adrenalized masculinity in this video is so much a part of sports and fitness (even health) discourses today which spreads over all our lives as "being the best you can be" etc. --it even spreads into "spiritual" development of which you'll see small fragments in this seductive video.

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