groundnews app (1)

Arguably, as many have said, we live in a culture of fear. So many of us are well aware of the masses of rapid-fire newsreporting. It is overwhelming in volume and suspect in quality of reporting. There is an app that a good source offered on their podcast the other day, as seemingly a great technology for (potentially really) helping you as a reader/viewer sort out what is 'really' going on in any set of new stories--especially, when they explode with popularity (and, yes, explode with polarization, with different viewpoints and ideologies inovlved...and a lot of untruth). Go to:  for more information on exactly how Ground.News (app) helps. I do not endorse this product because I have never tried it, but the reasons for it and the logic of its value for today's world, for keen readers and learners, is impressive. [Note: you have to go to the mid-way point in the interview in this video to get the information on Ground.News app]

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