Desh, I see you are expressing views on various topics, like the last one on feminism (which is a very big and complicated area of research, philosophy, and theory). I am curious what you mean in some of your statements, and I am somewhat confused by "whore is real feminist." Perhaps, you could explain, because such a statement, in the West, at least, would be highly offensive itself to feminists (of which, I am one). Yet, I think I get what you are somewhat pointing out, in your view; and, I am sensing you want to critique certain feminists who only write about rape, but ignore the fear problem (?)
I personally, prefer more philosophy re: how fearism adds anything new to the feminist conversation and movement. It has long been known that fear is a powerful motivator for all kinds of people (not merely feminists) for them to not speak out when abused by others, e.g., go to the police, etc. That is well researched and well acknowledged that "fear" is at the core of the problem. So, I don't see what fearism is adding at all new to this knowledge, at least, in the West. Perhaps you can clarify. I like to see more application of fearism principles in your points.