education futures (1)

Fear & Education: Video by RMF


Fisher and his "signs"(?). The video talk this image is from is called "Fear and Education"--click here

Throughout my 50 years of teaching, adults and children and teens, I am always thinking of ways to 'awaken' the habitual and passive mind that has got stuck in its grooves of what to expect in learning sites. I am interested in critical integal learning sites and practices that stir the jar of water and sediments--re-distributing the amnesia and its particles and fragments that have settled on the bottom and are virtually unaccessible without the 'shaking up' required. There are many ways the good teacher know of how to shake up things with their learners. 

The reason I'm sharing this particular video from a few years back is that it marks out my continual critique of how inadequately the education systems are when it comes to a good Fear Education (in the best sense of that term). There is no curriculum nor defined pedagogy for Fear Education at this point in humanity's evolution. And that's a trajedy beyond measure. Even the most progressive educators and futurists I read, they virtually ignore the vector of Fear in development and learning and teaching--and our future. 



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