eco-activism (1)

Eco-Activism & Cultivating Fearlessness

12425349681?profile=RESIZE_710xTo view this short documentary audio podcast on an amazing leader from India, and one who promotes "cultivating fearlessness" -- see: 

Her 40+ years has been, amongst other things, devoted to fighting (via non-violence) the "industrialization of nature/food" (agriculture especially). I was listening and thinking most of her critiques and protest ideas could be analogously applied to the "industrialization of children and child care" (education especially). 

I think in a world of such crises and tragedy, horrors and fear, it is easy for activists of justice to become soured and mean, hateful and despairing. Here, if you look at this face and listen to this Sacred Warrior, Vandana Shiva, you are faced with a 'mirror' of how to 'balance' the dark and the light.  

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