conservativism (1)

Evolutionary Trajectories in Conflict


Dr. Jordan Peterson (critical and popular voice for a new "traditionalism" needed in modern and postmdern times (?)

I just created a first in a series of 3 videos "Understanding Jordan Peterson 1: Social Implications"

I just created a second in a series of 3 videos "Understanding Jordan Peterson 2: Conflict Implications"

I just created a third in a series of 3 videos "Understanding Jordan Peterson 3: Fear Implications"


Ken Wilber (critical and popular voice for a new "integralism" needed in postmodern times (?)

THEME: How is the 'backlash' against postmodernism philosophy justified, how is it a good thing... and what is happening in the polarizing debates between the "progressives" so-called and the "conservatives"--a big battle everywhere in the world... this, one that Jordan Peterson is 'hitting on the nerve' is particularly important! 


I, like many, are watching the incredible popularity of the digital 'guru' of media on the internet (youtube world and beyond)-- professor Peterson ... and, to make sense of his arguments, his style of delivery and his own ideological commitments and rigidity (his fears)-- I think a really good critique can be made by looking at Integral Philosophy (via Ken Wilber's work, whom I use a lot in my work on fear and fearlessness)-- see the interview (as an e.g., of an integral lens applied on Peterson's philosophy and the movement he is spawning rapidly)- this interview commentary by Jeff Salzman, a student of Wilber's for many years, brings many good points to light... 

I plan to do a video (on my Youtube channel) soon exploring how a fearlessness context (lens) could be brought into a critique of Jordan and his followers in general... stay tuned. 






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