co-operative inquiry (1)


John Heron, eminent social scientist, artist, holistic educator, leader of co-counseling, has been a great inspiration (to me and others) in his written texts since the 1990s. A real pioneer in understanding the human condition, a true humanist with a transpersonal and creative approach to that understanding--he led many into healing work and empowering ways of being in his life time. I'm sad to hear he passed away last year, at age 94. He obviously lived a long and meaningful life. 

I came across a quote from him today in his important 1996 book Co-operative Inquiry, which definitely hit home for me in terms of how to practice inquiry and research with an epistemology (and attitude) of "fearlessness." Heron wrote, 

"This world of primary meaning [and radical perception with it] is unrestricted perception, consciousness--world union, which is anterior to every distinction [dualism] including that of consciousness and nature (Merleau-Ponty, 1962). It is apprehended by a fearlessness which, 'means being able to respond accurately to the phenomenal world  altogether. It simply means being accurate and absolutely direct in relating with the phenomenal world by means of your sense perceptions, your mind and your sense of vision [aesthetics]' (Trungpa, 1986:31). Attunement with the other, empathy, harmonic resonance, is the way of communion, of participating in the interior world of the other. It grounds and complements and is inseparable..." (p. 120). 


Heron, J. (1996). Co-operative inquiry: Research into the human condition. Sage.


The above quote is so important to me in my fearwork, because as I have been promoting the path of fearlessness (since 1989), many still think fear and fearlessness is all about emotions and feelings and behaviors that counter them. That is so partial and incomplete, as to be nearly useless to what true fear(lessness) is about in the dynamic of what Heron, Merleau-Ponty, and Trungpa are referring to. An epistemological fear(lessness) is the concept that needs to be taught to everyone a lot more. 




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