
Gail Bradbrook (UK), co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, gives a summary 34 min. talk on what she has learned over decades of trying to understand why the world systems are in collapse and why the activist movements are often not very successful to changing things. She is teaching we have to give up the idea that we can inluence governments and other power-money leaders to change in any real dramatic way that will make a difference to restore "aliveness" on this planet. She is teaching what research on Left and Right brain has to offer as well. I have long been a fan of that research and applications. The deeper 'roots' which she is after in analyzing what has gone so wrong, especially in the West (North), she emphasizes that it is a "spiritual crisis."

In 34 mins. she says a lot. At least, that's her view and of the many she collaborates with, reads their studies, and co-ordinates change with. I agree with lots of her diagnosis summary of the 5000 years that we have been constructing this Dominant worldview of self-hate and destruction; the pathology is real and she tells how many Indigenous peoples and others have named this destructive 'force' (e.g., Wetiko, Windigo) and, then she concludes the talk with practical things we can do to both carry ourselves through the crisis (especially the mental health deterioration)--through the fear and hate, and how we can rebuild together in networks, local and global (the glocal). Full credit to her long efforts to lead in this vision and do the homework and risk her own comforts to be at the edge of this change. Yes, I have my critiques of XR and Bradbrook's "vision" etc., but that is not the most important thing... I recommend this video summary. 

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