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  • How long did it take for you to 'recover/heal' from this unsuccess/rejection? Is it even possible entirely, or the feeling shifts over time into something different? How long until you formed a new or different or adjusted vision? Did napping help in forming the vision (lucid dreaming, maybe)? And where did you go next with yourself, career, dreams etc.?

    • I am in continuous 'restoration' from such injuries and disappointments. It lasts a long time, and yet, the 'grip' it has lessens with the restoration, and also I ensure I do specific healing as well around such events and how they may be part of a larger pattern of hurts in my past life too. Mostly, napping allowed for the restoration and yes, I did other practices, some lucid dreaming-like processes, visual imagery exercises and even shamanic drumming and journeying. What came next was to re-imagining myself as still on the path I was on, and realizing that I could be an 'academic' in various ways, not just in the secure institution. Thanks for asking. I hear you too are being challenged by crashing dreams of what you thought would be...and, it ended. 

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