Father's Day Poem: Being Fearlessness

Madelainne Joss, an FM ning member sent this to me today, Father's Day, as she was also one of the members of the In Search of Fearlessness Community (Calgary) some 20 years ago:

Hey father of Fearlessness
I’m sending out this call
To all dads’ today
having a beer?  at the mall?

What might you be thinking
Did you muster the gall
to give brith to your children
then lead — shove them
behind the fear-wall?

Consider some learning
what might've  happened to you
Make the time to look back

and say it…..I was  born in a zoo!

Its important to ‘ name’  it and

tend to the calls
of all the weird hap-nings 

where  life wasn’t a ball.

Where looks could kill
You thought you were dead
Where someone talked or ignored ,

treated you like she, he or you
had no head.

Do you see it?
The world's gotten messier
each and every new day
Please …..quit running

tend your healing
Start now—its your special day.

When all  our behaviours
keep calling and are often ignored

It doesn’t serve any of us
we all learn to live poor.

We can thrive-- stay alive,
be connected,  live well
Remain open and curious…….

Now wouldn’t this way work swell?                         

-love from Mad-the-Joss, Calgary, AB

 June 18/17

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  • Waooo !

    Fears highest tendency is creating a comfort-zone which I see as beautiful container of a soured milk

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