Jagmeet Singh under attack by women (black t-shirt) at a pre-victory ralley (Sep. 6/17)
It is not too often we see a close verbal attack on a political leader like this in Canada. I don't know the details, someone just sent me this short 4 min video (go to: "Is Canada Ready for Jagmett Singh?" on Youtube). The disorder of the lady in black is disruptive, perhaps planned, or not. Yet, I found it very interesting to see how the new NDP leader handled the situation, and basically said, let her talk, this is not a problem, and then got the crowd chanting with him: "We're going to face them with love and courage" --meaning, all obstacles to success for the NDP and his leadership as a man of color and Sikh... I wish him the best, and sure, "love and courage" can go a long way in contradiction to the usual politics of order and fear, intimidation and shutting down voices of dissent. Of course, like all things, there will be a limit to how open and trusting and loving and courageous this leader and his followers will be when under attacks like this--and, perhaps, a lot worse in the future. I merely draw attention to this because it is a good show on his part of restraint and a "fearlessness" we require so much in this world of leadership. I would like to see the NDP in general get in touch with the Fearlessness Movement and start planning to really face "Fear" in new ways-- and I'm sure I'll reach out to them as well.