9 Worldviews: Cultural Meme's Theory


This photo/art installation I created in c. 2012, while living in the USA. It represents a vision of a way that "organization" is designed into the cosmos, at least the human-solar-earth cosmos of relationships. It is called a Spiral Dynamic of Values-Memes, each of the nine, totally interlinked are given an arbitrary color to classify their uniqueness (patterns of values within the pattern of all Life--that is, of Evolution). This theory and analytical tool is a means of understanding a big part of reality, especially cultural memes (analogous to genes in the materialist plane of existence). I have been trained in this theory and practices--sometimes called Spiral Dynamics Technology. I wanted to share it as another way to understand "worldviews"--as this is an approach to worldview meta-theory. 

If you are not so interested in all of the trandisciplinary research and thought behind this "structure" and its usefulness to analyzing and solving human problems on this planet, then at a minimum you might be interested that the theory has a notion of 3 tiers of holarchical development/evolution (or what I prefer to call Evol [1]): the first v-meme patterns of Tier-One are (beige, purple, red, blue, orange, green). The cover the developmental phases of pre-concrete, to concrete, to formal cognitive thinking and the associated values and intelligences operating from that consciousness structuration. These are more or less fear-based in general structure, and then there is an Evol movement to develop more complex systems/thinking/consciousness (soft structures and harder ones too) that are Tier-Two (yellow and turquoise), and then Tier-Three (coral). I won't be able to near go into all of what is behind this model/theory but to say I have found it very useful in my own work on the path of fearlessness (theorizing). The researchers from Claire Graves to Don Beck and Ken Wilber and others have argued that once you come to the transition borderlands of development between Teir One and Tier Two, the biggest factor underneath motivations is that the Tier One memes tend to still make decisions and act according to fear-based criteria and emotional registrations in the systems, whereas this is not the case with the (rarer in occurrence) Tier Two v-memes which I label fearlessness [2]. Then Tier Three v-meme (of Evol) is the highest LOVE v-meme associated with the non-dual. 

So, those interested in how I think and theorize about the Path of Fearlessness, you now have some more data/theories to think about, re: worldview changes and growth (development) that exist--which, I find explains a lot of phenomenon, individually and collectively. But, of course, lke all theories they have their problems and limitations. I argue with others that Spiral Dynamics (Meta-theory) is useful to bringing about an Integral Age (vision-logical and integral consciousness). That's a longer story...  


1. Love spelled backwards is Evol. I really like that because it is evol(ution) as I think of it, in which there is ever-evolving 'source' (beginning) and end--which is Love. I do not see "evolution" only the way scientists do nor all the mis-uses of evolution/development in human history because of a pathological set of worldviews that have guided interpreting Evol. The integral model and meta-theory (Tier-Two consciousness) is capable of correcting that flaw and thus replaces evolution with evol. The holarchical concept is an integral corrective to "hierarchy" (especially, pathological hierarchies). The holarchic means part/Whole units in systems are the focus of study, not one or the other but both all the time simultaneously--also written as Self/System dynamics in evol. That may still not be satisfying for critics who see this model as hierarchical, not matter what the theory actually says, and they are convinced that any "structure" of lower and higher order systems is making one 'higher' better, etc. This is very old paradigm thinking of worldviews that are pre-Tier Two in consciousness structure. At Yellow meme (FMS-7), true Fearlessness, in my theory, the clarity and intelligence of "integral" is quite different and sees that the base foundational v-memes are the most "foundational" to the entire spiral--and, without them, the whole spiral comes down--not good. However, the upper v-memes are the most "significant" and bring great gifts to what the foundations have built. And, of course, there can be pathologies at all levels of the v-memes in the Spiral in evol. That's another complexity I won't go into, but "fear" (and 'fear' constructions) are core to my articulating a critical fearanalysis of what goes wrong in evolution and development and why we end up with messes (crises) like we do as our species continues to grow and develop. 

2. See my (integrally-informed) Fear Management Systems Theory (nine FMSs) at the base of all my work on "fear" and "fearlessness" since 1989. 



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