Found this (supposedly 'banned') video of the David Icke talk in London, at the rally called "Unite for Freedom" - Aug. 29, 2020
Besided the controversial leadership of Icke, a well-published 'star' on the conspiracy theory train, he writes lots about fear and control by authorities, etc.
I was intrigued by the "Project Fear" sign in the foreground --oh, and you may notice -- "no masks" worn here and no social distancing--this is a 'hot' protest... not just from right wing extremist Trump supporters either--this is in Britain and most of these folks here are leftists (anarchists) you can bet on it --- "fear" (i.e., "acquiescence" as Icke says) is the enemy--and this crowd of aggressive bravado energy is going to try to fight the fear ('manage' it)...
A large topic for us here at the FM ning to discuss...
Oh, "Project Fear" means something in British political discourse, go to:
And, of course, then there is my own conception of 'Fear' Project (1989-) in which in some ways is interrelated to the overt politicization and weaponization that the British political scene got involved in by coining this word Project Fear in re: to Brexit politics.