R.Michael Fisher's Posts (556)

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Dr. Stanislav Grof: Archetype of FMS-8


Dr. Stanislav Grof, Psychiatrist and theorist (psychonaut). 

I have recently watched the film https://www.psychedelicassistedtherapysummit.com/thewayofthepsychonaut?kref=2YglctPiB1lF

of which documents Stan Grof's life and career. By the end of the film, it was clear to me, that I had found another basic human archetype of Fear Management System-8, in my integral theory of fear management systems. There have been 'saintly' type figurations I have put in the FMS-8 prior, but now it felt like Grof is a less saintly but authentic type (manifestation) of FMS-8, and a very potent impressive person and life. 

For more information on his work you can look him up (e.g., on Wikipedia) but the above film (and book?) "Way of the Psychonaut" is a really good overview. 

See Below, my latest simple model of fear management systems (FMSs) that I have been researching and publishing on for probably 15 years or so (e.g., see Fisher, 2010). This diagram shows an evolutionary/developmental arrangement of these FMSs and FMS-8 (Turquoise colored) is depicted (and is extremely rare). 

12253994094?profile=RESIZE_584xNote: It would take a long post and lecture really to do justice to explain this visual model and the theory it represents. 

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Fearstory: A New History of the World


Okay, just found this new book available (2023) later in Nov. A professor and historian, Robert Peckham, has perhaps written a very interesting book for the study of fear. 

I have called the revisioning of history through the lens of fear (i.., a fearist perspective) the new FEARSTORY that humans need to come to terms with, as that is essential to deepening our understanding and revising our current fear management/education. I order the book by Peckham. And, I'll report my findings on the FM ning soon. 

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The Fear Problematique: Fisher's New Book



A volume in the series: Studies in the Philosophy of Education. Editor(s): John E. Petrovic, The University of Alabama.

In Press 2023 and for sale: Information Age Publishing

The author, with over three decades of focused research on fear and fearlessness and 45 years as an emancipatory educator, argues that philosophy and philosophy of education have missed several great opportunities to help bring about theoretical and meta-perspectival clarity, wisdom, compassion, and practical ways to the sphere of fear management/education (FME) throughout history. FME is not simple, nor a luxury, it is complex. It’s foundational to good curriculum but it requires careful philosophical critique. This book embarks on a unique transdisciplinary understanding of The Fear Problematique and how it can be integrated as a pivotal contextual reference for assessing the ‘best’ way to go in Education today and tomorrow. Educational philosophy is examined and shown to have largely ‘missed the boat’ in terms of responding critically and ethically to the insidious demand of having to truly educate ourselves when we are so scared stiff. Such a state of growing chronic fear, of morphing types of fear, and a culture of fear, ought to be central in shaping a philosophy of fear(ism) for education. The book challenges all leaders, but especially philosophers and educators, to upgrade their own fear imaginary and fear education for the 21st century, a century of terror likely to grow in the cascading global crises.



CHAPTER 1: Introduction.

CHAPTER 2: Philosophy and a Fearturn.

CHAPTER 3: Education Philosophy 'Misses the Boat.'

CHAPTER 4: Fear(ism) as Philosophy: A Transformative Paradigm.

CHAPTER 5: Fear Management/Education for the 21st Century.

CHAPTER 6: Fearlessness as Educational Philosophy.

CHAPTER 7: Recommendations.

Glossary. References. Index.

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What you see above is some of the major points of which Marianne Williamson is running her presidential campaign 2024 (as Dem.) in terms of a Department of Children & Youth and her stated priority to be "mothers and children" in America, as extremely important foundations for a healthy society. I don't disagree. However, you may note that Williamson's platform is not listing that there should be a good quality "fear education" --nope, she is rather talking about all children getting "mindfulness training in schools"--and, this is very short-sighted, although it sounds good at first pass. Also, the caring interest in trauma is there. But truly MW has not thought deeply enough to see that at the base of the problem is a Fear Problem, a "culture of fear" which is the meta-context for all the things she wants to fix about mothering, child rearing and care, etc. Sorry, MW needs a fearanalyst (and educator) on her staff team really quickly. 

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I posted this 5 years ago, as one of my critiques of where Higher Education is going as a 'marketplace' where education and "looking good" are combined into a toothless cowardice of conformism--colorism, you name it! The fear of not fitting in is huge in the domain of higher education. I constructed this college very quickly from finding photos in higher education from one large booklet from one university and college website in the USA. This is the 'look' and this is the 'happy happy' face that is representing post-secondary education in this continent. Where is the disagreement, looks of discontent with the status quo, where is critical skepticism of the intellectual mind? Instead, the higher education institutions higher advertising firms who only know 'what sells' (apparently)-- and it is cute young women with big white teeth and smiles--as if we are selling a factory of dental assistants for the new generations to come. Really bad stuff going on here and so contradictory to the Diversity and Inclusion theme that runs through liberal higher education factories...but in the end they are marketing this subtle and not so subtle fear-based conformity to belong and be happy with. A fear of dissent! 



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My Latest Teaching Gig: Fear & Humanity

Hi All, 

FYI: Just wanted to share the good news that I have just had confirmation that my new 6 wk course at Vancouver Island University, Elder's College program, has 10 registered students (over 50 yrs. of age) and we're going ahead with it next wk. That's exciting and going to be a good way to meet new people and share thoughts and feelings about where our world is going and where we might be able to turn it around (even a little). Title of course and description below: 

Understanding Fear And Its Effects On Humanity

This is an introductory course on the nature and role of fear, individually and collectively. In the last three decades, especially since 9/11, fear has, for various reasons, become a growing topic of major concern in several academic disciplines, operations of democracy and governance and in its uses in business, advertising and popular culture. Explore your personal relationship to fear, the importance of multiple perspectives, critique the normal socialization and the culture of fear.

ELDL 060 F23W70       6 sessions: Thu, Sep 14-Oct 19; 10:00-11:30am

Instructor:                   Michael Fisher

Location:                     Online 

R. Michael Fisher, PhD, is a retired educator who has focused on the impact of psychological, cultural, political, and philosophical issues on education, and how it often fails to emancipate us from the oppressions that hurt us. He is also an author of over 200 articles, has published 15 books, and is a popular teacher on YouTube. Michael has taught adult education for over 45 years, spent several years as a school teacher, and has been involved in youth and family rehabilitation work. Michael's research has focused on the phenomenon of fear and fearlessness since late 1989, and he refers to himself as a ‘fearologist’.

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This slide comes from a short presentation by the social psychologist Jonathan Haidt recently, who is going around and speaking about the problem of Gen Z kids becoming young adults. Especially, of concern, a lot of data shows that children born in 1995 or so, and heavily invested with computer technology in hand, have tended to become more and more "fragile" (aka mean, more and more scared of everything). The technology and the culture, according to Haidt (speaking about the W. modern world) is become enmeshed in unhealthy behaviors and mind-sets and values controlled by 'safety and security' needs beyond all else in terms of priorities. It is horribly impacting a negative socialization experience and it is comprising a healthy robust sociality in general. Our modern societies are really feeling the fall out of this post-1995 (especially) era. 

I would call this the "culture of fear" and "pedagogy of fear" (of the toxic kind) that has intruded. The chart above is what Haidt's research summarizes as the outcome of this kind of socialization and pedagogy, and it is identified as cognitive pathologies (by any other name). Btw. Haidt and contemporary social psychologists he agrees with are not the only ones to point to these patterns of rather dysfunctional cognitive traits. Abraham Maslow (1966) listed some 21 cognitive pathologies (or what he called then "deficit-based" motivational cognitive behaviors and strategies).... I can say more about Maslow's work if you want. But for now, you may want to listen to Haidt in this short summary talk that Dr. Arie Kizel sent me today: 

Note: I don't agree with a lot of Haidt's conclusions (or his orienting perspective) but I also think he speaks of a lot of good points too. 


Reference:  Maslow, A. (1966). The psychology of science: A reconnaisasance. NY: Harper & Row.  

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I mean sometimes amongst the millions of words I have written, spoken and published, I say something not too bad--even a little extraordinary, if I do say so myself. 

The above paragraph comes from a preview (galley proof) of a book soon to be published this autumn [1]. Thought, to share it, as I came across it this morning as part of my reviewing the edits for this book and the many errors I make, even when I think I have been so careful. It's humbling. 

Anyways, back to this text above...there's a lot to consider there. I'm always glad to hear what other's think. 


End Note: 

1. Fisher, R. M. (2023). The Fear Problematique: Role of philosophy of education in speaking truths to powers in a culture of fear. IAP. 


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Here is my latest FearTalk in the series I started some 4 years ago, whereby I wanted to have the most honest conversations possible with people I knew, or don't know that well, and merely talk live and unedited on the topic of fear. Here is the link to this recent video on my Youtube Channel 

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This CBC (Saskatchewan) interview with a young trans-queer person, is one of the best you'll hear on how it is so terrifying living in this world of (cis-) gender bias which is paranoid that some people won't conform to 'forced genderization' oppressive systems (that are 'normal'). I congratulate this person for how they talk about fear and their life and continue their sacred warriorship as an activist regardless. 

This interview was spurred on by a recent legal policy of the Saskatchewan gov't to basically 'ban' the use of trans-pronouns requirements, etc. I have not listened yet to the details of this policy, but it really makes me think of how 'backwards' the fear-based institiutions are going in this country Canada (and of course, following many such types of policies being instituted in the USA in some states). 

How would a fearlessness-based policy of gender look? Who ought to be on the committee of the deciders of gender policy and sex education in our socieities? Only the pre-decided (cis-)gendered folks who are privileged by that conformity and comfort? There is definitely a horrid injustice going on. Which is not to say that I agree with everything a queer person argues about or critiques in societies. I take issue on some things and I support the trans-communities as well for some great work they are doing against oppressive regimes of power that rack-n-ruin people's lives just because they want to live out another gender/sexuality than the stereotypic binary distinction. Let's be open-minded in our policies and decision-making, especially in school systems that impact so many youth. 

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I have long been watching the rise and fall and antics and dramatizations of the Jordan B. Peterson (social) phenomenon. One cannot really ignore it, if you want to know what is going on in the sociopsychological and political atmosphere of today's world (at least in the postmodern Western world). 

I made this poster today, after listening to Peterson's failure to make his legal case against the Ontario College Board of Psychologists yesterday. His case is for "free speech" when he is in public as a public figure, and at the same time he wants to keep his psychologist license and not be censored (unfairly). He is big on being treated unfairly by anyone, especially now his own profession and the State --thus, Peterson is a controversial political figure and has been deeply interested in activism and politics and a rather conservative-libertarian perspective. That's all a much bigger topic. You can hear my 3 videos on my Youtube channel if you want to know more of my views of this fascinating and troubling character in the world. Right now, he is actually one of the top most known ('stars') internationally as a Canadian. Even more known than the prime minister?--or they are a close tie. Peterson can't stand our Canadian prime minister and says so in public media constantly. 

My critique or fearanalysis is of Peterson's take on 'freedom'... which is fear-based, and thus distortive. (a longer argument there to be had)...

Gabor Mate is also very well-known and outspoken, and has his quick critique in 2 min. summary, rather good, I think: go to: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Gabor+Mate%22+on+%22Jordan+Peterson%22+&sca_esv=559894069&source=hp&ei=HgfoZPHcMsWH0PEPrOK-4Ao&iflsig=AD69kcEAAAAAZOgVLm6V1PbrowLbIdKH4tRhOBH3bxKC&ved=0ahUKEwjx45i11_aAAxXFAzQIHSyxD6wQ4dUDCAw&uact=5&oq=%22Gabor+Mate%22+on+%22Jordan+Peterson%22+&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IiIiR2Fib3IgTWF0ZSIgb24gIkpvcmRhbiBQZXRlcnNvbiIgMgYQABgWGB5IuWFQAFi1XnAAeACQAQCYAbkBoAGfF6oBBTIyLjEyuAEDyAEA-AEBwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwHCAhEQLhiABBixAxiDARjHARjRA8ICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgILEAAYigUYsQMYgwHCAhEQLhiKBRixAxiDARjHARjRA8ICBRAAGIAEwgILEC4YigUYsQMYgwHCAgsQLhiDARixAxiABMICCxAuGK8BGMcBGIAEwgIFEC4YgATCAgsQLhiABBixAxiDAcICCBAuGIAEGLED&sclient=gws-wiz#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:adf7cd1e,vid:qOJ0lUSBI14


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This video(30 min. lecture) by the nondual E-W philosopher Alan Watts (c. 1970s), is intriguing in its depiction of the "artist" in the most generic sense of the term, not just the artist as someone who makes art objects for entertainment, or expression, or profit on the marketplace. But the archetype of the "Fool" and "Trickster" is embedded in The Artist, as I and Watts argue, is where "they actually teach us how to live" (to quote Watts from the lecture. If one takes the interpretation further, this fool-trickster-artist modality of being is truly a good one to study and practice as an indicator (though not always) of someone following the path of fearlessness. And that's a larger discussion we ought to engage here on the FM ning. 


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Scammer: Hack into FM ning emails

Please ignore anything by this scammer (fake name mrsstellabudheir@gmail.com), who hacked into the FM ning and got your email. I did not give out email and do not, as host. Hopefully you won't get bothered by them. Just ignore. Note: I have contacted the Ning people to secure the site.   -Michael

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I'm glad to announce that I have been hired on as an online course developer and faculty instructor at Southwestern College, graduate school program, Visionary Practice & Regenerative Leadership. Barbara (my life-partner) also will be co-developing and teaching with me this fall, 2023. It's an exciting chance to be involved in this fascinating program. 

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Buddhism: Compassion Plus Fearlessness

In an intriguing article 13(3)+Buddhism+Moral+Courage+Perspective+on+Fear+and+Truth+(3504-3516) (1).pdf on Buddhism and fear (and fearlessness), I have taken one extract here :

"Compassion (Karuna) is at the heart of Buddhism, as it aligns with the fundamental teaching of alleviating suffering for oneself and others. Engaged Buddhism emphasizes the active and practical application of compassion in the world. This includes empathetic concern for the welfare of all beings, especially those who are marginalized, oppressed, or facing hardship. Engaged Buddhists critique the application of compassion by encouraging socially engaged actions, such as advocating for social justice, promoting environmental stewardship, and providing aid to those in need. By cultivating compassion, individuals are inspired to take positive action to address societal and environmental challenges. Fearlessness (Abhaya) in Buddhism does not imply the absence of fear but rather the capacity to confront and transform fear (Fisher & Kumar, 2021). Engaged Buddhists critique fearlessness as the willingness to challenge oppressive systems, social injustices, and unethical practices. Fearlessness empowers individuals to speak out against injustice, even when facing resistance or threats. By embodying fearlessness, engaged practitioners promote change and transformation within society while upholding the principles of non-violence and compassion.

Explore how compassion and fearlessness are critiqued for application in engaged application in social activism under the context of engaged Buddhism, compassion and fearlessness serve as guiding principles in social activism (Dickman, 2022). Instead of passively accepting the status quo, engaged Buddhists critique complacency and apathy, encouraging active involvement in addressing societal issues. By combining compassion with fearlessness, practitioners can effectively engage in social action while maintaining ethical integrity and promoting non-harming. Buddhism cultivation of empathy engaged Buddhists emphasize the cultivation of empathy, which is closely related to compassion (Zalta, 2022). Through empathetic understanding, individuals can better grasp the experiences and suffering of others. This understanding informs compassionate responses and drives transformative actions to address the root causes of suffering in the world. Encouraging non-attachment to outcomes engaged Buddhists actively work towards positive change, they also critique attachment to specific outcomes. Recognizing the impermanent nature of the world, they emphasize the importance of practicing with a non-attached mind. This approach allows practitioners to continue their compassionate efforts without being disheartened by potential setbacks or limited results. Compassion and fearlessness in engaged Buddhism extend to embracing diversity and inclusivity (Das, 2023). Engaged practitioners critique discrimination, prejudice, and exclusionary attitudes. They strive to create inclusive spaces and advocate for the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or other social identifiers.

The critique of applying compassion and fearlessness in engaged Buddhism revolves around actively embodying these virtues in compassionate action and fearlessly challenging oppressive systems. Engaged Buddhists recognize the interconnectedness of all beings and engage in transformative practices to alleviate suffering and promote justice, peace, and environmental harmony. Through the integration of compassion, fearlessness, empathy, and non-attachment, engaged practitioners create positive impacts within society while upholding the core principles of Buddhist ethics and wisdom."

Res Militaris, vol.13, n°3, March Spring 2023 3507

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Hello. I want to introduce you to my short Intro video of my vision (with John Coleman) of how The Fearology Center and his institute that focuses on the humanities can be a great combination as we go into the future of education and beyond. Check out my Intro. talk here: https://apocatastasisinstitute.wordpress.com/fearology-center/


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My first major work of fearology was this book The World's Fearlessness Teachings (2010), published by University Press of America/Rowman & Littlefield. 

This opus volume contains 21 years of research on the topic of fear and fearlessness, across time, across cultures, and explores the topic across the many theories that exist out there in human thought on fear management. 

I think Yahweh's comment on the last blog is relevant and worthy to comment on. Yahweh's comment is about their own doubt that there is such a phenomenon as the "gift of fear" (which is the phrase and theory of international security expert Gavin De Becker). Note: I cover De Becker's theory in my 2010 book and critique it respectfully as well, as I critique many theories of fear management/education therein. 

I have analyzed De Becker and many other contemporary writers and teachers who want to make "fear" positive. Often they are doing this because they feel "fear" has for too long in history received a bad rap, a negative connotation, and that that hasn't helped us see the positive side to fear. I call this all a movement to re-furbish and rehabilitate fear in order to make it important again in its own right. I think that is generally a good movement and response and will benefit humanity. However, like all movements they can be biased and one-sided and excessive to become their own ideologies. That's part of my critique of these "fear-positivists" as I call them collectively. De Becker is part of that camp of thinking and teaching about fear. It is partial. And Yahweh is even questioning it as potentially mis-guided or at least it is something that ought to be scrutinized. I'm glad Yahweh wrote the comment of questioning on the De Becker initiative in the last blog post. 

I show my book here because I attempt to sort through, albeit long-winded and scholarly in approach, that there are indeed troubles with the "fear-positivists" and that has important outcomes. Without going into all that detail, I recommend my book. However, I will say, it is good for us on the Fearlessness Movement Ning to think about these things carefully and examine our own experiences with fear and fearlessness. Let us not be controlled by what others think too much. That itself, is part of the path of fearlessness and it is part of what fearology attempts to do by raising these issues on the topic of fear into the light of critical analysis and experimentation and philosophical debate. Finally, I argue that the real gift (theoretically) is not "fear" but "fearlessness." I trace out carefully in my book why that is a useful proposition and theory and has not been embraced in the Western world of thought to date. There are also lots of problems with the use of the term "fearlessness" and "fearless" which I write and teach about. But besides all that, I have a way of writing and thinking that is dialectical and may help us get around some of the problems of the debates about "gift of fear" vs. "gift of fearlessness." My solution... 

(?) or my intrigue for a better way to study this all, is to look at a conception that is written as fear(less)(ness). By breaking this down and showing these relationships, there is more likely to be a 'corrective' awareness in what we are talking and writing and teaching about with this topic of fear and fearlessness. Anyways, just my suggestion, for now... maybe you folks have a better suggestion... 


Note: I appreciate John Coleman, Apocatastasis Institute for re-posting this blog today. See Learn about Apocatastasis' Fearology Center here: https://apocatastasisinstitute.wordpress.com/fearology-center/ 



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This is a short summary illustrated video by a person on the internet and does a pretty good job of interpreting the theory of "gift of fear" by Gavin De Becker. As colleagues in the battle to de-mythologize the fear phenomenon and culture of fear, Gavin and I have known each other for 25 years through correspondence on emails, and he has written a Foreword for one of my publications on "culture of fear" and he has been generous to support my work on fearology overall since 2000.

His position is founder and president of Gavin De Becker & Associates, an American top security firm with international recognition as well. He's a big player in the world of violence and how to prevent it, especially for judges, celebrities and so on. He has several books and articles and is on video interviews all over. He is an amazing psychological 'counselor' as well in re: to people who have been terrified, attacked, and threatened [1].

He is recently (to my surprise), now becoming more public and even political in the public sphere of culture and politics. He has recently been called a "billionaire donar" on one leftist podcast, in re: to his (suspicious in their eyes) alignment with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his bid for 2024 president of the USA. We'll have to keep watching where this all goes. But in the meantime, I support De Becker getting involved in political life at this scale and indeed even if he wants to be a superpack donor, not that I encourage that regime of political elitism and money-dropping [2]. Anyways, I look forward to hearing more from De Becker and I'm glad to help out, especially in the project he has, like myself (and others) to better educate our society about fear (and, what Gavin ultimately wants, which is a "fear less" society [3] and he wants us all, more or less, to become "warriors" [4])--now, that gets really interesting. And, not surprising, I am also a critic of his fear theory in important aspects, but that nonetheless does not diminish my respect for it. 


1. E.g., For his recent interview live with Sarah Silverman go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYdUV0H16lY

2. I note that De Becker with all his money and influence is not backing Marianne Williamson, and her pursuit much more forthright than RFK Jr., to make the world fear less --and, I am referring to all of MW's long career since 1983 at least, to have society shift from a politics of fear to a politics of love. She, in my view, ought to be highly supported by people like De Becker. That said, I really don't know who De Becker funds in politics, but the recent expose' podcast I mention about does say De Becker has donated 4.5 million already to RFK Jr.'s campaign bid for dems president in 2024.

3. De Becker, G. (2002). Fear Less: Real truth about risk, safety, and security in a time of terrorism. NY: Little, Brown & Co.

4. See intro of the interview he does with Sarah [endnote 1 video], and he calls Sarah a (woman) "warrior," validating her with great admiration. 



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A NEW BOOK, with a rare editor (Prof. Arie Kizel) in academia, gives full-on challenge to the "pedagogy of fear" and its role in dominating so much of teacher education and thus State-run education systems. Even rarer, it is virtually impossible to find an academic educator today who will cite my fearwork (e.g., with three separate citations) in their References at the end of their essay or book. I've attached a small excerpt from Kizel's "Editor Introduction" (2023) from this new book and the citations of my writing on fear and education. How could I not highly recommend this book for adults, parents, teachers and leaders everywhere. 

Excerpt Example from Kizel (2023): 


p. xxii [cont'd]....


... to p. xxxi 




FYI - Dr. Kizel (Assoc. Prof. at the Department of Learning and Instructional Sciences at the Faculty of Education, University of Haifa in Israel), and I have been working on our own co-authored books which critically examines the notion of "pedagogy of fear" as used by diverse educators, researchers, theorists and other sources, as we are curious as to the various different meanings and perspectives brought to this concept and reality. To our surprise there are uses of this term that are quite precisely the same and homogenous, often similar and other times quite the opposite and contradictory. There is obviously research questions that we will examine in our book as well as lay out in more depth our approaches to the philosophy of education and fear, to teacher education, to pedagogy of fear and curriculum theorizing in general. We both have a strong interest in counter-education and alternatives and to this day we both believe even these off-the-mainstream more radical educational initiatives have not systematically enough come to important investigations of the nature and role of fear (and fearlessness). We hope to get this book published in the next 2 years, if all goes well.    

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