saskatchewan government policies (1)



This CBC (Saskatchewan) interview with a young trans-queer person, is one of the best you'll hear on how it is so terrifying living in this world of (cis-) gender bias which is paranoid that some people won't conform to 'forced genderization' oppressive systems (that are 'normal'). I congratulate this person for how they talk about fear and their life and continue their sacred warriorship as an activist regardless. 

This interview was spurred on by a recent legal policy of the Saskatchewan gov't to basically 'ban' the use of trans-pronouns requirements, etc. I have not listened yet to the details of this policy, but it really makes me think of how 'backwards' the fear-based institiutions are going in this country Canada (and of course, following many such types of policies being instituted in the USA in some states). 

How would a fearlessness-based policy of gender look? Who ought to be on the committee of the deciders of gender policy and sex education in our socieities? Only the pre-decided (cis-)gendered folks who are privileged by that conformity and comfort? There is definitely a horrid injustice going on. Which is not to say that I agree with everything a queer person argues about or critiques in societies. I take issue on some things and I support the trans-communities as well for some great work they are doing against oppressive regimes of power that rack-n-ruin people's lives just because they want to live out another gender/sexuality than the stereotypic binary distinction. Let's be open-minded in our policies and decision-making, especially in school systems that impact so many youth. 

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