Fear plays such an important role in our ways of connecting with all reality, and mostly with other creatures we share this planet with--and, of course with ourselves. Here is a good teaching video on the way to work with Fear and hypnotic processes, led by Four Arrows (who I am writing a book on at this moment)... enjoy, -M.
"Over the years a number of you have asked about my old days of wild horse training and most have not seen this 7 minute television special with host Richard Hart. Hearing of my work with wild BLM horses, we arranged for me to bring in a wild horse from Nevada and filmed me getting on its back and hypnotizing Richard to overcome fears and approach the mustang. Please share with others as my work with wild horse teachers is what led me to realize that all of us have the telepathic ability to communicate love and trust out into the world with any and all living things. Don’t laugh if you don’t recognize me in this 1981 [actually c. 1984] copied video", says Four Arrows (June 17, 2017)