I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself in this context. I am a counsellor living in North Vancouver, Canada. Married with three children. Have studied integral psychology for about 10 years. In terms of fearlessness, I tend to orient to the psycho-spiritual aspects and also the biological/neuroscience aspects, so Michael's broadening of the frame to include socio-cultural and critical theory perspectives is really helpful and much needed.
I have struggled with "anxiety" quite a bit in my life, and so this topic has a personal relevance as well as for so many of the clients that I work with.
I have used Ken Wilber's AQAL quadrants to come up with an inquiry-based approach to working with fear or anxiety at the individual level. I have uploaded a visual summary of it here.
We need to address fear collectively as well, which is what Michael addresses in his work (and he does more than this, bringing in a developmental approach). Still working my way through Michael's book on the topic.
I am looking forward to learning here, and seeing what might emerge at some point in terms of action projects.
P.S. In integrally-informed contexts, my major strength seems to be as a connector. Malcolm Gladwell writes about connectors, mavens and persuaders in his book, The Tipping Point. I appreciate Michael's "maven" role in this context!