menu of tasks (1)

FM Admin. Transparency & Menu-1

Well, 15 members at this point (now 35) are taking a trip with the Fearlessness Movement. As administrator of the site, I like to give the 'passengers' a little orientation tour, before we actually unhook anchor from the shore. Yes, I like this metaphor. My experience facilitating groups has taught me many things. I'll share a few highlights here, and set out some of my own offered Guidelines for the voyage (on this unique ning in unique times we live). I'll attempt to be transparent about my power on this site--yes, I do have some, and it is unique relative to others. The distinctions may serve us well as an online imaginary community behind the scenes of this incredible historical social movement called Fearlessness Movement (for lack of a better name). I'm open in all these blogs to your feedback--nothing is written in stone. 

The second part of this blog is the Menu (first go at it), where I lay out some of the real things (if not duties) that are options for people on the ning to engage with (or not). You pick and chose. Now, at the 

A. GUIDELINES for this particular FMning--a global community

1. Ask for what you need, one or more of us may be able to help--that means, everything from how to work the ning logistically and all the way to how to help you get out of bed in the mornings (etc.)...

2. At this point, get your Introductions up on the blog so we all can learn a bit more about each other, and begin some connections and exchanges that are not necessarily to everyone, but could even be between individuals (even private, I believe is an option on settings). 

3. Be patient and aware that all of us come to the Fearlessness Movement ning from diverse backgrounds with diverse motivations, not always conscious to everyone. It may take time for some to be drawn out, or experiment, or even disturb other people by being "off topic" or whatever. 

4. No spam (which means, no overt advertising of business services and products, be they yours or others)--with the provision, however, where it seems relevant, indeed to share your website or other resource, based around the Fearlessness Movement, more or less... and sometimes, it is good to share this so we know what you do in the world as well--and, sure, we want to support entrepreneurial ventures, and yet, it's a matter of 'balance' in that you are not JUST ADvertising here on the site, but actually engaging in the content and process of this movement.

5. Help out defining (making meaning and sense) of what the Fearlessness Movement is to you--so, you both read what others have written on it (and I encourage that over and over) but also to 'own' your particular understanding, and/or posit questions, and critique, and ideas... etc.

6. It's fine to bring up discussion about "other movements" as long as they don't take the focus away from the FM on this ning site.

7. How we'll handle difference of opinions, and/or more complex arguments with back-up and research, is an unknown. I like to let this unfold, and we can develop specific guidelines for that, or people may suggest other resources out there that may be applicable and we can check it out. I personally "like" conflict, as long as it is balanced with support and validations so people feel nourished, even if uncomfortable with challenges--after all, this is the Fearlessness Movement ning, not some "support group" ning.

8. Ask every once in awhile, not just what can the FMning do for me, but what I can do for it. And take action, alone and/or in collaboration, to help the movement.

9. Remember, I have the control of the controls of the ning, in terms of "delete" function (even though, I actually don't know all the logistics of how to manage it). Any of you can challenge and suggest to me how to better manage the site administratively. I'll listen and see what fits for me too. 

 10. Be aware, I in particular, wear many hats in the developing work of the FM, so I have an extra-intense commitment and also at times various role-hats may clash about or be confused by members. I think you'll get this soon enough. I'm a scholar-expert on the topic, as well, I am a practitioner and global citizen, etc. I also am some people's friend, allies, lover, and on and on. I am a mentor and leader for some, and I am not for others. There's not need to 'peg' me as "only" a this or that. I realize I may have privileged power and I trust you'll keep me in check on that. I don't need people to defend me, per se. I do though, like to have people support me (who doesn't?)... again, it will be complex, and I'll attempt to be as transparent as I can in how I lead the FM or administrate this ning. I am not wanting to "overload" you all either--that's really hard because I have so much pouring out (smile).

MENU ideas (this is just a start of real practical things that would help the FM, as I see it... you may have other ideas, or questions about this list... go for it):

1. someone (or some peoples) links this FMning on other social media like Fb or Twitter (either as a "job" regularly, or whatever)

2. members (one or more) take on the task of reading some of my book The World's Fearlessness Teachings and write a book review, endorsement, and post it (especially would be good on 

3. some members consider gathering in a special mtg. now and then, with some regularity and commitment (e.g., skype, or group telephone, or retreats, etc.) to discuss the vision and progress (or not) of the FM... how can we grow this baby across the lands and oceans of the world... the sooner the better... 

4. write a blog, post a photo, comment on other members, share resources and experience relevant to the FM

5. take on researching and writing Wikipedia entries: (a) keep the current Fearlessness Movement wiki pages updated and expanded, (b) start a new wiki page on any other term or concept (or add to wiki pages already up that could be supplemented with FM material), etc. (e.g., like a Fearlessness page)... 

6. take on projects like researching and writing a history of fearlessness

7. offer editorial and other skills to work people are doing

[I'll leave it up to you to add... you can see my biases... so, go for it]

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