in search of fearlessness (isof) project (1)

On Sunday (Apr. 12/15) I invited, after some earlier conversations, Jan Sheppard and Madelainne K. Joss to the 'table' or you might say to the 'altar' to share our past, present and future relationship with In Search of Fearlessness Project. In particular, our focus was on the In Search of Fearlessness (Calgary) initiative, with ISOF Center and Community and Research Institute. It was good to do this in Calgary, AB, Canada, where it all began, and where I was born, and so many wonderful and difficult things happened in those years 1989-1999. There's so much to attempt to gather from what we shared, and I won't even begin it here. My purpose is to say it happened, and there was a real strong connection and understanding after that night that 'we' (at least the 3 of us) are joined-at-the-hip in terms of this experience and we are going to be in each others lives hereafter in a more significant way than we have been since the closing down of ISOF (Calgary) some 17 years ago.

We each are going to take the "spirit of fearlessness" forth, and continue the work of liberation, each in our own ways. We're not sure what forms that will take, but we feel the energy from all the ISOF (Calgary) happenings are still flowing and moving and bringing transformations in various ways, personally and globally. I was glad personally to be able to share with Jan and Mad. the most recent work I have been doing and how the shape of the Fearlessness Movement itself has been the larger umbrella of my energy and how I 'fit' in the ISOF (Calgary) project. It's all about expanding contexts and for each of us to get beyond our "me" picture of what ISOF was about, is about, and could be about. Who knows where another version of it may show up.

And on that brief introduction, let us know what you think, and if you'd like to be involved in future conversations, and most importantly check out the FORUM on this site to see some prompting questions where ISOFers can further dialogue and process on our relationships and whatever else we'd like to manifest. It's a beginning and I look forward to more people involved in the sharing.

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