Critical Imagination: Is Fearlessness


"... the ground of imagination is fearlessness."  - D. D. Prima 


I would add to this poetic line, from a powerful women beat poet from the 50-60s who broke out of the 'boxes' and... made a great impression on the world... she is still writing... I would add to her above line "the ground of critical imagination is fearlessness"... because that contradicts the imagination of the masses... and, that is an imagination based on fear -- a fear-based hypnosis that captures the young child's imagination early in life and shapes it and locks it up in a room until it can be totally appropriated and domesticated, just like in many places in India, especially Muslim girls... they are kept locked up once they hit menstruation (puberty) and are domesticated, taken out of school often... especially in the lower castes... and, are made slaves (see documentary film called "Salma")... I think the American poet Prima knows this oppressive way of life, perhaps more subtle in North America than in India, yes, but nonetheless... without the critical imagination essential to the full growth of the soul and true freedom... a society is doomed...  Yeah, to the poets!!!! 



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