1. The essence of wealth is not to make a name, but to make life, and not to build an empire but to spread love. – Michael Eneyo.

2. You are too unique and precious to be rubbished by someone who don’t have respect for human dignity. There are people you shouldn’t go to for help. I repeat, don’t go to them. – Michael Eneyo.

3. Why should I struggle to be like you when I haven’t finished being myself? – Michael Eneyo.

4. The very best of you is still inside of you, bring it out and achieve your goal. Your best is all that you need! – Michael Eneyo.

5. Success is hiding behind suffering, when you see suffering, don’t quickly run away, challenge it and it will run and leave the success with you. That is what others do to become successful. – Michael Eneyo.

6. While in deep thinking, people may think that you are mad, just after thinking, your words and actions will prove that you are sane. – Michael Eneyo.

7. When a friend insists to know every detail of you, be careful, for that may not be a show of concern, there may be something he/she wants to confirm about you. – Michael Eneyo.

8. Don’t make post(s) because of people’s likes and comments. Rather, do it because you have something useful to tell the world. Let your posts and comments be the kind that bring hope to our broken world. – Michael Eneyo.

9. While I’ll support you to follow your heart, I’ll also advise you not to keep your brain behind. The heart must work with the brain. – Michael Eneyo.

10. Why should I struggle to be like you when I haven’t finished being myself? – Michael Eneyo.

11. Too much explanation to justify your act is a sign of weakness. Strong people talk less. – Michael Eneyo.

  • 12. When things turn around, even the hunter can become the hunted. So, be careful the way you conduct your affairs. – Michael Eneyo.


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  • ALSO by Eneyo, just published is his long, more technical article "Unravelling Philosophy of Fear" published in GNOSI: An International Journal of Human Theory and Praxis (2022). 

    • Thank you Dr. 

      The article, amongst others, introduces my two methods to be applied to conquer negative fear. The  Acquaintance method, which stipulates that familiar things create less fear than unfamiliar. Which means that the more we get used to things, places, and people, the more we became fearless of them.

      And the second method; Love -fear method, which says that any of our actions should be done from the background of love and not from hate. I argues in the article that most of the impacts of the culture of fear or accident of fear experienced in our world today is as the results of the wrongful approach to fear appeal which is often for the interest of the person applying it and not for the real good of the other (s). This is what i called hate-fear approach or hate -fear method.

  • I see these guides to ethics and principles of a good life, have an accompanying humorous image (art work, with unknown artist?)... "Know Yourself First".

    My own philosophical trajectory has overlapping with this dictum, originating probably in the W. with Socrates "Know Thyself" --and from there, all will likely (theoretically) be of the better than the not in outcomes. Of course, that's open to debate in real life if it is true. The problems of self-deception via ['fear'-based] repression barriers in the psyche of individuals, groups and whole societies and cultures--creates a massive doubt in my mind, and other critics like Ernest Becker, for example, as to can we ever "know thyself" or "yourself" ? The nondual philosophies immediately would attest, based on various arguments, there is "no self" to know in the first place (ontologically)--that is, IF one was not operating in what Sam Gillian calls "perceptions of self-deception" --because it is too negatively terrifying to know reality fully, never mind a "self" that is trying to hide from the reality of its non-existence (in reality).

    Again, the philosophical and psychological 'knots' here are enormous. WE need to critique our presumptions. So, in the end I find the more common ethical dictums like Socrates and/or the artist's proposed variant that Eneyo promotes, rather dubious. Long ago I proposed within a Fearlessness Paradigm (at least theoretically) we might be better to utilize a dictum like "Know Thy Fearful Self" to pursue unraveling the repression barriers--and, potentially truly coming to truths that we'd otherwise side-step (conveniently).  

    • Actually, knowing one self is not an easy task. The picture above depicts a more tasking responsibility for anyone who wishes to discover himself in this world of uncertainty and contradictory.

      You must study yourself to discover who you truly are: your essence, worth, value, goal, and purpose of your being. You must read yourself like a book and research on your attitude in connection with the circumstances and conditions you're trapped on daily basis. When this is done, see if you can make it a standard of judgement for yourself and anybody in similar situation.

      In a more practical term, one cannot fully know his "self". Sometimes we get surprised at our actions, because to us, we couldn't imagine us behaving in the manner we did, but some circumstances caused us.

      However, if we want to condemn someone's attitude, it is wise we look at ourselves first to know if our own behavior doesn't reflects what we are condemning others of. It is in this last reasoning that the concept of "know thyself first" is appreciated.


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