hope and fear

"Hope and fear are huge swirling compulsions with enormous implications for the lives and deaths of every living thing on the planet." (p. 338)

A philosophy of fearism (a la Subba and Fisher) would agree with this statement above, by a professional geographer in a paper I found very interesting (and related to the "ecology of fear" stuff I have been talking about--but now, more in the discourse of what is called "geography of fear"--all part of the new inter- and transdisciplinary fear scholarship of postmodernity--all very exciting revelations of where we ought to be focusing our attention on a lot more in our analysis of everything)


Sparke, M. (2007). Geopolitical fear, geoeconomic hope and the responsibilities of geography. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 97(2), 338-49.

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